On May 3, 2016, a creeping line appeared on the first television channel of the Russian Federation with the following content: (we cannot vouch for absolute accuracy)

"Japanese scientists have invented a new computer mouse that can determine the user's stress level."


True, it is not clear yet - how are they going to do this?

JAPANTODAY http://planet-today.ru/novosti/tekhnologii/item/40639-yaponskaya-alps-electric-izobrela-kompyuternuyu-mysh-izmeryayushchuyu-uroven-stressa

Earlier in the same Japan there were already similar attempts that were unsuccessful.

http://sliwci.ru/2011/10 / 05 / kompyuternaya-mysh-opredelit-uroven-stressa /


And even earlier such an attempt was made by the world-famous company IBM, here you can see the result http: // mouse -m.ragushin.ru/img-c/history/history-mouse-3.jpg

You can read more about this and much more about the Project History on our website.

All together, this suggests that the task of creating such a computer mouse is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Well, now we are reporting news from the company NeuroLab: over the past 9 years, a computer mouse that determines the level of stress could be bought from us. Starting from the current moment, this can be done at any time by ordering the BioMouse in the Buy section.